Data Deletion Policy

TravelPilot Data Deletion Policy

At TravelPilot, we prioritize the privacy of our users. In compliance with GDPR, users have the right to request the deletion of their personal data at any time.

  1. Right to Erasure: Users can request the deletion of their data by contacting our support team or through their account settings.
  2. Data Deletion Process: Upon request, we will permanently delete all personal data unless it is required for legal obligations, or necessary for ongoing contractual obligations.
  3. Timeline: Data will be deleted within 30 days of receiving the request.
  4. Exceptions: Certain data may be retained if required for legal, security, or legitimate business reasons, in accordance with GDPR Article 17.
  5. Confirmation: Users will receive confirmation once their data has been deleted.

For data deletion requests or any other inquiries, please use our Contact Form.